Terms and Conditions

Last Updated 2024-Mar-20 13:27

Terms and Conditions

Socatots® and Brazilian Soccer Schools®

1. Subject of the contract

1.1. The subject of the following Contract is for the provision of services by the Franchise (referred to

hereinafter as “Provider”) for the child of the person making the booking (referred to hereinafter as

“Client”) Client in the scope of organising and conducting of sessions for Socatots and/or Brazilian

Soccer Schools (referred to hereinafter as “BSS”).

1.2 In these Terms and Conditions, when we refer to "we", "us","our", or “Provider” we mean the

Socatots or BSS franchise; and when we refer to "you", "your"or “Client” we mean you, the person

making a booking.

2. Rules of execution of the contract

2.1. Socatots and BSS football classes are for children with a minimum age of 6 months.

2.2. The child participates in classes under the supervision of a qualified Coach, Socatots requires

parental participation.

2.3. The child is required to participate in classes in a sports outfit purchased from Provider.

2.4. The classes are conducted once a week on the arranged time, except for national holidays and

school breaks - to be decided by each individual franchisee.

3. Terms of payment

3.1. All Socatots and BSS sessions are paid for with a monthly Membership Fee, broken up in equal

instalments over 12 calendar months.

3.2. One Membership Fee per child.

3.3. The amount of the Membership Fee is set by the Provider and is listed on the website booking


3.4. Other payment variations, such as one off payments, may occur with specialty sessions and/or

events such as camps, one to one sessions, birthday parties etc. and will be reserved and paid for

separately to the monthly Membership Fee.

3.5. Membership Fees are collected for a month’s worth of classes, on the date of sign up, and/or

automatically 6 days after the Clients Free Taster Session has taken place.

3.6. Limit one Free Taster Session per child.

3.7. To reschedule a Free Taster Session the original booking must be cancelled 24 hours prior to the

Free Taster Session taking place. Another Free Taster Session can be booked thereafter.

3.8. The Monthly Membership Fee will be taken out of the Client's account automatically 6 days after

their Free Taster Session is booked.

3.9. If a Client does not want to sign up for regular sessions they may cancel their payment at any time

within 6 days after their Free Taster Session occurs via their online portal.

3.10. Clients can cancel their membership at any time giving the Provider 30 days notice.

3.11. If siblings take part in the classes then a reduced monthly fee will be collected.

3.12. Failure to make a payment on time authorises the Provider to exclude the child from classes until

the payment is settled.

3.13. The Client can receive a VAT invoice on request.

4. Calling off of classes / changing classes

4.1. The Client has the right to cancel the child’s participation in the classes and to make up for it until

the end of the current term. The Client is entitled to a make-up class provided that the Provider was

informed, directly or indirectly through the Coach, of the child’s absence no later than at 24 hours

before the class starts.

4.2. In case of a class being called off because the Provider was forced to do so, then the Provider will

provide an additional session or a possibility of taking part in another group’s class.

4.3. We do not offer refunds in most cases.

5. Declaration of the condition of a child’s health and disclaimer

5.1. The Client certifies by means of the following contract that the child’s health makes it possible for

the child to participate in the physical exercises proposed by SOCATOTS & Brazilian Soccer Schools.

5.2. The Client accepts that the sports & activities involve an inherent risk of injury. The Provider shall

undertake all necessary risk assessments and provide the classes in as safe an environment as possible

and the Client confirms that the provider will not be liable for any direct or indirect loss, damage or

injury arising from or in connection with the activities on the class and shall waive all and any such

claims against the Provider.

5.3. Nothing in this disclaimer shall attempt to limit in any way the Provider’s liability for any matter

for which it would be illegal or unlawful for it to exclude or attempt to exclude.

6. Duration of the contract

6.1. The contract is entered into for the time from the day the Client signs up for a session or course on

the booking system to the moment the agreement is cancelled provided that the Provider will secure

classes for the proper age group.

6.2. The Client has the right to cancel the contract while maintaining the 1-month period of notice. The

period of notice is being counted from the last day of the month in which the contract termination

notice has been handed in.

6.3. The Provider has the right to terminate the contract with immediate effect in case of unsettled

payments or in case of a breach of contract.

7. Data Protection

7.1. The Client expressly consents to the processing of his/her personal data by the Provider in

accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018, with regard to the processing of personal data and on

the free movement of such data, and any other applicable national data protection legislation. Each

party agrees that where it processes personal data obtained under or in connection with Agreement

(“Personal Data”), it does so as an independent controller, and each party shall comply with Data

Protection Laws when processing the Personal Data.

7.2. The Client gives consent for the Provider to use his/her personal data to contact the Client to

market the goods and services of Socatots UK Ltd, FDS UK Ltd and of goods and services it provides

with its partners.

7.3 Filming and photos of your child/children during class is permitted, however please be sensitive to

other families who may not wish their child to be filmed or photographed. The Socatots and BSS

session leader may request that photography or filming is stopped. Their decision is final, and

continued participation in the class is contingent upon complying with the session leader's

instructions. We will sometimes request that promotional film and photography is taken during

classes, but we'll give you due notice and permission will be sought from families in advance. When you

book with us it is your responsibility to let us know your photography preferences. If photos or videos

are taken they may be used for promotional purposes.

7.4. The Provider may wish to take photographs and/or videos of their sessions. These photographs

and/or videos may feature the Client’s child. The Client’s consents grant the Provider permission to

use the photographs and/or video including in printed publications, promotional materials, in the

advertising of its services on its website and social media and to distribute to the Provider’s sponsors,

affiliates and partner companies to use for the same purposes.

8. Intellectual Property

8.1 Many elements of the Socatots and BSS sessions are subject to intellectual property rights

(including copyright and related rights) and it is therefore forbidden to copy and/or reproduce any part

of the session protected by intellectual property rights without our prior written permission.

8.1 The business of Socatots, (a franchised football play programme) and the business of Brazilian

Soccer Schools, (a franchised football training programme), consisting of the content of the training

sessions, the training manuals and/or training videos of each brand, are together called “The System”.

8.2 In consideration for the company giving you and your child access to “The System” you agree as


8.3 To keep “The System” confidential as well as any information regarding it which is confidential or

could reasonably be expected to be confidential: and

8.4 Not to directly or indirectly copy or use “The System” or any part of it except as specifically

authorised in advance by the company:

8.5 Not directly or indirectly to manage or operate or assist in the organisation of any business which

competes with Socatots or Brazilian Soccer Schools, either whilst the child is a member or for a period

of 24 months afterwards.

9. Additional clauses

9.1. Any changes or termination of the contract shall be in writing or notified by email.

9.2. With agreeing to this Contract, all the previous agreements concerning services of Provider for